An elderly woman is laying in a hospital bed and smiling at a nurse
Patient Satisfaction Surveys
It's absolutely true!
Our best suggestions and process improvement projects have come from you, our patient. You have experienced our staff, our providers, our care, our technology, and our food.
So we rely on you to tell us the best and the worst. For our part, we promise to keep your information confidential; we never reveal any source of the information and suggestions we receive. And we promise to keep improving, using your recommendations and suggestions in our goals and objectives for quality improvement. That's a promise!We contract with Press Ganey, Inc., to conduct our surveys. To keep this absolutely confidential and secure, Press Ganey mails the surveys and aggregates the data when they are returned. La Paz Regional gets quarterly reports showing current and historical scores.

We want you to be VERY SATISFIED and VERY SURE that we will ALWAYS do the best for you. To make our surveys even easier, we are asking for your email address, so that you can fill out the survey online. It's fast, it's easy and no stamp is required. Your opinion is important to us; in fact, it's essential to our improvement process. On our latest survey 96% of patients said they would recommend our hospital. And 97% said that our nurses usually/always treat you with courtesy and respect.