A smiling health professional is sitting a desk with a computer and papers
Respiratory/Cardiopulmonary Services
The respiratory/cardiopulmonary department treats inpatients and outpatients. We provide diagnostic studies and therapeutic interventions to outpatients Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 5 p.m., and 24 hours every day for inpatients.
Therapeutic interventions include administration of medical gases (usually oxygen), aerosolized pharmacological agents and bland aerosols, chest percussion and postural drainage, incentive spirometry, airway care, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, and invasive mechanical ventilation.
Diagnostic services are provided for cardiac and pulmonary function studies for all ages, encompassing neonates to geriatric patients. They include echocardiography (cardiac sonography), cardiac stress tests, electrocardiography (EKG), pulmonary function testing, blood gas drawing and analysis, spirometry, lung volumes, CO diffusion capacities. Some cardiopulmonary procedures require special preparation.