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Quartzsite Imaging is dedicated to providing a remarkable patient experience. Our X-ray center in Quartzsite offers patients comfort and quality imaging services in a friendly setting. We believe that you will find our facilities and services to be truly exceptional. Located next door to La Paz Medical Services. 150 East Tyson Road, Quartzsite, Arizona 928-927-5067 by appointment only

Quartzsite Imaging

Provides our patients and referring physicians with high quality diagnostic X-ray imaging services in Quartzsite.

A department of La Paz Regional Hospital Imaging Department. At the hospital in Parker, you can receive a full spectrum of diagnostic imaging, including X-ray, MRI, CAT scan, CT angiography, mammography, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, Cardiac Nuclear and Echo Stress testing, Echo-cardiology, Imaging-aided biopsies and stent placement, and Thyroid Ablation therapies

A professional certified technologist performs your test

Jack Dunn, M.D., board-certified, fellowship-trained radiologist, will interpret the images and prepare the final report

Offers flexible scheduling featuring same-day or next-day appointments (insurance permitting)

Has a 24-hour report turn around and 2-hour call reports for STAT appointments

Preferred Provider with extensive managed care contracts

Convenient free parking

Relaxing outpatient environment

Offers discounts and payment options for our self-pay patients

Offers a lien acceptance program for liability cases

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